Stephanie has followed in her father’s footsteps with a love for opera since she was a young girl in her teens. After winning a month of free singing lessons at a silent auction about 15 years ago. She continued to study voice with Carleen Wiebe and later with Alison Nystrom. Stephanie has since sung in solo recitals and has been invited to sing at special events, conferences and funerals. She sang in the Anglican Church choir for about eight years during her teen years and more recently on a North Langley Community Church worship team and Christmas Dessert Theatre presentations. She has also sung in many concerts at senior's homes and hospitals throughout the Lower Mainland.
Her opera experience which began about 15 years ago, includes singing in the chorus of Massenet's "Cendrillon" and performing the roles of La Badessa and La Suor Zelatrice in Opera Appassionata's production of Puccini's "Suor Angelica" as well as chorus in Mascagni's "L'amico Fritz" by Mascagni.
In January of 2008 Stephanie joined a new opera company, OPERA PRO CANTANTI, formed in March of 2007.( www.procantanti.com ). She has continued to be coached by the director of the opera company, Richard Williams since then, and has had repertoire coaching from Heidi Peters.
She also sang in the Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music festival for several years earning silver and gold certificates.
Stephanie is retired. She has four wonderful grandchildren in age from ten to twenty one who take up a lot of her time. She loves to travel, Israel being one of her destinations, a dream for many years, come true in November 2008 as well as a stop off in New York City to see the opera "Madame Butterfly" at the Metropolitan Opera. Since then she has traveled a lot with another trip back to New York in 2014 this time seeing "Phantom of the Opera".
She is hoping to be involved with her singing for many more years to come.
It is now 2017 and Stephanie is still involved with Opera Pro Cantanti singing away her retirement. The years just seem to fly by.